Services By Location

Offering A Wide Range of Programs & Services


Main Office

833 Chestnut Street, Suite 1100

Philadelphia, PA 19107

Phone: 800-688-4226

Fax: 215-636-6300

Hours: 9:00am (ET) - 5:00pm (ET)

Phone: 267-507-3950

Fax: 215-878-1265

Hours: 8:30am - 5:00pm

Located at:

4950 Parkside Avenue, Suite 200

Philadelphia, PA 19131

Homeless Outreach

Mobile Peer Teams

Targeted Case Management

Case Management

Located at:

3119 Spring Garden Street

Philadelphia, PA 19104

Phone: 267-507-3530

Fax: 215-243-0903

Hours: 8:00am - 4:00pm Mon - Fri

A New Life

Recovery Learning Center

Phone: 267-507-3780

Hours: 24 hours, 7 days a week

Located at:

1305 Oak Lane Avenue

Philadelphia, PA 19126

Homeward Bound

Residential & Homeless

Located at:

2709 North Broad Street

Philadelphia, PA 19132

Phone: 267-507-3466

Fax: 215-229-1795

Hours: 8:00am (ET) - 4:00pm (ET)

The Well

Recovery Learning Center

PeerNet Philadelphia

Mobile Peer Teams

PeerNet Homeless Specialty

Mobile Peer Team


Located at:

414 East High Street

Pottstown, PA 19464

Phone: 267-507-3525

Pottstown Recovery Learning Center

Recovery Learning Centers


Located at:

7200 Chestnut Street

Upper Darby, PA 19082

Phone: 267-507-3850

Hours: 9am - 5pm, Mon - Sun

Project Share

Recovery Learning Centers

Rapid Rehousing Program

Residential & Homeless

Delco PATH

Homeless Outreach

Delco Rise

Blended Case Management

Delco Peers

Mobile Certified Peer Specialist Program


Phone: 267-507-3990

Fax: 215-788-1428

PeerNet Bucks County

Mobile Peer Teams


PO Box 115, Westtown, PA 19395

Located at:

PO Box 115, Westtown, PA 19395

Phone: 610-436-4445

Fax: 610-429-1099


Volunteer Program

If you are feeling down, going through a hard time, or need to talk, you are not alone.

Our MHP Chat Line is available from 9:00 am to 7:00 pm, Monday through Friday. Please click on the chatline button located on the right side of our page, and we will be readily available to assist you. All chats are confidential.

Our chat line provides free, confidential support for non-crisis mental health issues. Operators for the chat line will provide real-time live chat support, as well as referrals to agencies and providers, including telephone support (if requested).